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How to create a sub table

A sub-table is essentially a reference to your main table. Let's say you have an "Invoices" data table, and for each invoice, you need to add various records for the services you've sold. This is where a sub-table comes into play. Here's how to create and use a sub-table effectively:

  1. First, create the sub-table. To do this, go to the Home screen and click the Add button. Create a new Table/Form and define its columns, making sure to include an IdParent number field.
  2. Now, return to the main table where you want to link this sub-table. Click the Add Field button and select Sub-table.
  3. Choose the source table, which is the second table you created, and specify the 'Filter Field' as IdParent.
  4. Click Ok to save the new column.
  5. In batch edit mode, you can click on the sub-table cell and then click the Open Table button to edit its data. Any data you add in the sub-table will be visible only for the corresponding record in the main table.

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