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How to create post approval actions

You can set up actions that trigger after a step is approved, rejected, or upon reaching specific approval or rejection steps. To configure these actions, follow these steps:

  1. Click the 'View/Edit Details' button located under 'Post Approval Actions'.
  2. Select 'When to run,' and you have four options to choose from:
    • When approval comes to this step
    • When rejection comes to this step
    • When this step is approved
    • When this step is rejected
  3. Select the specific action you want to execute. For example, you can choose 'Immediate Email Reminder' and configure the fields with parameters from the form. This means, if a user filled out a form field named 'Country' and approved the process, the email you send can dynamically include the selected country value.
  4. You can designate the email receivers by selecting 'Assigned Users.'
  5. There are various options for triggering actions, such as sending a REST request to a server or instantly completing the step approval.

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