How to create quick fields
Quick fields simplify the process of creating commonly used fields. You can effortlessly create fields, including User, Status, User Comments, Creator, Last Modifier, Creation Date, and Modify Date. Here's how to do it:
- User: Use this field to assign users within your team.
- Status: Create a status field that automatically enables the Kanban view. You can customize the status list, such as 'Active,' 'In Progress,' and 'Closed.'
- User Comments: Add a comment section to your form, allowing users to add and edit comments.
- Creator: This field stores the username of the record's creator. It is a read-only field.
- Last Modifier: This field stores the username of the last modifier of the record. It is a read-only field.
- Creation Date: This field records the date when the record was created. It is a read-only field.
- Modify Date: This field records the date when the record was last modified. It is a read-only field.