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How to create workflow and workflow steps

Workflows are a crucial aspect of this application, offering several key functions:

  1. They allow users to complete form fields.
  2. They facilitate the approval of records for review or further editing by the next assigned users.
  3. They provide control over user permissions, limiting their ability to edit or view specific fields.

To enable a workflow for any table or form, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Edit View" in the menu.
  2. Select "Workflow" from the options.
  3. In the workflow window, locate and click the plus button to add a new workflow step.
  4. Hover over the step to reveal two plus buttons, one at the bottom and one on the right side.
  5. If you click the plus button at the bottom, you will create a serial step. This means that when someone approves the first step, it will be assigned to the users in the second step.
  6. If you click the plus button on the right, it will create a parallel step. This allows the process to be assigned to the users of parallel steps when the previous step is approved.
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